
Client Spotlight: Database recycling app could pave way for others

November 6, 2018

Posted by: Daniel McMahan

Client Spotlight: Database recycling app could pave way for others

Ever wish you knew the price you’d get for something before you took it into a shop to sell it?

Sometimes it’s a painful process because you want to get the most bang for your buck of said item, despite it not holding any significant value to you anymore.

Those trying to sell catalytic converters also run into this problem.

For those unfamiliar, a catalytic converter (usually known as a catcon) is “a device used to reduce the toxicity of emissions from an internal combustion engine.” Introduced in 1975, these converters are still commonly used in cars and other various engine-equipped machines (trucks, buses, trains, etc.). And guess what, there’s some serious money in these things!

The folks at Belanger Recycling have a solution to make sure their freelancers get the right amount of money for their finds with a process that’s also time efficient.

Wayne Belanger and Micah Wade’s app allows their independent contractors to view the exact price of what they can get for their specific catcons. The efficiency allows for more productivity from both sides of the table.

The app, powered by DevDigital, uses a simple to use database of the numbers synced to these parts that those looking to offload them can type in. Once they’re typed in, the results show up and allow for them to click on the result to see what it’s valued at currently. If it’s not listed, there’s a button at the bottom that calls Belanger Recycling for further assistance.

This app could be a gateway to others who are in the business of purchasing used machinery and tools, while also ensuring the contractor is getting a fair exchange. With the development of these types of database apps, it might be possible for other companies to compile product numbers and conjure up their worth given how many years they’ve been in use.

As these types of apps begin to become more standard, perhaps there’s a possibility of contractors being able to provide feedback to the staff on the worth to bargain for the right price through the app.


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